09 September 2011

For Your Listening Pleasure...


She's my favorite current singer.

Her voice is amazing.

I think it's safe to say that most people have heard this song, considering how many radio stations play it on frequent rotation.  But, for your convenience, here it is:

If there was a hidden camera in our car, it would frequently catch me belting this out along with Adele every time I stumble upon it when radio-surfing.

The other day though, I was on my way to pick Adam up from school and switched the radio station, and this song came on.  It was the first time I'd heard it.  It pulled me in immediately.

And I've really never heard her voice sound so haunted in such a heart-breaking and beautiful way.  It is so raw and vulnerable.

And then, just now, as I was embedding the two videos above, I found this one.  And it's even more amazing.  To Make You Feel My Love has always been one of my favorite love songs.  Bob Dylan is a song-writing genius; his lyrics and music paired with Adele's voice is just pure music magic.

And, really, any artist that can sound that great live is on my list, for sure!

1 comment:

Marc and Megan said...

I'm sure most people who live in normal places hear songs like hers quite often on the radio, but since I happen to live in a place where the radio stations are approximately a decade behind the times, I'm especially grateful that you posted these. I've since gone to youtube and listened to just about every song of hers throughout the day today. (I had heard of her and actually had seen her version of Make You Feel My Love before, but I wasn't super familiar with any of her other songs...). So, anyway, thank you!! :)