26 September 2011

3... and 31

Adam and I have some happy news.

A few weeks ago, we found out that we are expecting our third child!

Yes, Christian Baby #3 is on it's way!  And we are thrilled!

It was kind of funny when we first found out because I didn't really believe it.  I didn't believe it because I didn't feel any of the typical pregnancy signs and symptoms - I kept thinking that I was just really late or that the positive home pregnancy tests were just false positives - I just couldn't accept that it was possible that I was actually pregnant because of the absence of all of the junk that typically accompanies a growing embryo! I have since switched my feelings of disbelief into feelings of gratitude for this being a much easier pregnancy than my previous two.  I am trying to remain grateful that I am not feeling so miserable physically and enjoy this new-not-so-sick kind of pregnancy!

I am coming up on 7 weeks along.

The Web MD site says this about the baby's development at week 7:

"Your embryo makes great strides in size this week, growing to between 0.44 inches and 0.52 inches from crown to rump by the end of the week, or about the size of a small raspberry. Leg buds are starting to look like short fins, and hands and feet have a digital plate where fingers and toes will develop. The heart and lungs are becoming more developed, as are the eyes and nostrils, intestines and appendix. By now the brain and spinal cord are growing from the neural tube."

A small raspberry!  Isn't that amazing?!  It is incredible how much happens, and how quickly everything develops and grows into a perfect, beautiful little miracle of a baby.  We have enjoyed wondering if this new little one will be one like this: 

or maybe more like this:

Either way, we will be ecstatic!

It's number 3 for us.  It is also number 3 grandchild for Adam's mom, but it's grandchild number 31 for my parents!  And we are pleased to share the news with you!


Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you!! Aaron says number threes are the best!

Lindsay said...

Hooray!!! That's fabulous Mandi! Congrats to all of you! I hope you continue to feel well!

Becky Rose said...

Congratulations! exciting news!

Marc and Megan said...

We're super excited to meet and get to know your next addition! I hope so much the pregnancy continues to be easy and without all the yuckiness. We love all five of you!