04 August 2011

They Go Together

First of all, what does this picture remind you of?

When I snapped it, it kind of reminded me of those Look n Find books.

You know, like "Where's Waldo?"

For the last little while, Audrey has claimed to be scared of her room or her bed or just bedtime in general.  We think that it's most likely just a delay tactic... but that doesn't mean we don't treat it with sensitivity and patience.  But we've also tried to think of things that we can do that will help bedtime go smoother.  So, Adam and I were talking about when we were kids and what helped us.  Adam was afraid of the dark.  I don't remember feeling afraid of the dark, but I do remember some nights feeling more scared than others and on those nights I would have my sister, Megan (we shared a room) pile all of my stuffed animals and dolls all around my head and torso, while I laid in bed.  There would be so many that you really could only see my face poking through the many other face of all the animals and dolls.  I always felt a little more secure with all of those toys surrounding me.

So, the other night we tried a similar thing with Audrey.  We had her lay down and then we placed all of her stuffed animals and dolls all around her.  She seemed to think it was pretty funny.

The next day, I had Audrey help me make her bed and we just kept all of the toys on her bed.  Luke immediately crawled on the bed and began to play with the toys.  And Audrey was not far behind.

A binky for one.  A thumb for the other.

Fun for both.

They sat in (more or less) companionable silence (interrupted by giggling and the occasional rebuke by Audrey for Luke daring to try to play with her more favorite toys).

They really do enjoy being together and playing with each other.  I love it when they are patient and kind with one another.  Adam does this "Bucking Bronco" game with them and they are so good with taking turns and sharing in the fun.

One thing that I forgot to mention in the last post, about Luke's birthday was actually one of my favorite parts of the whole day.  When we gave the kids their cupcakes, Audrey immediately did what she always does - she began to lick the frosting off.  When I gave Luke his, he was not interested!  I tried to put a little frosting on his lips so he'd get the taste of it and try more - but even that didn't work.  He pushed the cupcake aside, knocking it upside down.  Well, the cake part must have looked more edible to him than the frosting, because he began taking little pinches of the cake and eating it.

What's funny is that Luke ate the whole cupcake (upside down, cake first) but left the frosting.  Meanwhile, Audrey licked all the frosting off and left the cake.  So, between the two of them they finished the equivalent of one cupcake!

They make a good team that way.

1 comment:

Marc and Megan said...

oh my gosh, I totally remember that!! This is so cute to see you doing this for Audrey! These are some great photos, too, of Luke and Audrey together!! Love it!