12 December 2011

Classic Audrey

For the last 4 years, I've been consistently amazed at the little girl we brought into the world.  Kids really do grow up to fast!  Lately, I've taken note of a few little comments that Audrey's made that I have found too hilarious not to document somewhere... and where better than here on our family blog?!

She really uses her own unique brand of logic and humor and I love it.  I love hearing her thoughts and feelings about different things.  I love seeing more and more into her personality.

The other night, after a particularly trying bath-time, as the kids were having a snack and doing some winding down play, Adam had briefly laid back and put his arm over his eyes.  Audrey asked what was wrong.  He replied that nothing was wrong, only that "Sometimes you kids make me want to jump off a cliff."  Without hesitation, Audrey looked at him and said, "You can't jump off a cliff. You're not a bridge."

How's that for logic?!  I couldn't stop marveling at how quickly she came to that little conclusion.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, Audrey was having a hard time wanting to go to bed, so we let her fall asleep with us, so we could carry her into her room when she was asleep (sometimes we're just too tired for the fight!).  Anyway, it was during a week when Adam was working on call, and before we'd taken her to her bed, but after all of us had fallen asleep, Adam got a call.  As he groggily got dressed, Audrey sat up and was very concerned about him, wondering where he was going and what he'd be doing.  He told her he had to go to work.  She sweetly, but quite authoritatively, said, "Dad, You need to put on your coat so you don't get cold."  He agreed that was a good idea.  Then she said, "And put on your shoes so you don't slip."  He told her that he would.  Then, as he was leaving the room, she had one last bit of instruction:  "Make sure you wear your seat belt, so you'll be safe."

That exchange just killed me - to see such a young thing worried for the well-being and safety of her dad - even as she was not fully awake.  She really loves her daddy.

But not all of her love for Adam is the tender kind.  She's got a little bit of tough love for him too.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Adam went to the nearby park to play some flag football with some guys from our neighborhood.  Somehow during the course of the game, Adam dove for the ball, in the process of catching himself from the dive someone ran over his thumb - dislocating it pretty significantly.  Luckily, one of the players is a P.A. who was able to pull the thumb back into place.  But he advised Adam to go home and ice it and then get to a hospital to have it ex-rayed, to make sure nothing was broken.  Audrey was very concerned and really wanted to come to the hospital too.  We asked Grammy to watch Luke while the three of us went to get the ex-ray.  While we were waiting for the results, Adam was lying on a hospital bed.  He was in a lot of pain, but he may have been embellishing the amount of pain just a little bit, maybe looking for some sympathy.  At one point, Audrey asked if he was ok.  He said no, that he was very sick.  She looked at him with exasperation, and said, "Dad, you're not sick. You just hurt your thumb."

And then, yesterday, during sharing time in Primary, Audrey was sitting on my lap - the class I teach sits right next to where her class sits.  The put on a little video depicting Joseph and Mary doing to Bethlehem and having Baby Jesus in the stable.  Audrey was whispering different things that she noticed as we watched:  "Look, she's riding on a donkey!"  "Oooh, sheep!"  Things like that.  When she saw the very pregnant Mary, she said, "Mom, Mary has Baby Jesus in her tummy."  I said, yes, that's true.  Then she looked down at my growing midsection and asked, "Mom, do you have Baby Jesus in your tummy?"  It was really hard not to laugh, but I assured her that, no I wasn't carrying Baby Jesus.  She had an indefinable look on her face - like going from confusion to confirmation of some kind of suspicion.  And then she said, "Yeah.  Mary had Baby Jesus in her tummy and mom has a regular baby in her tummy."  I loved it!

I wanted to include a few recent pictures of her that illustrate a little bit her budding personality.

Keep in mind I did nothing in the way of encouraging her to do anything - this is all her.

I'm not sure who she's channeling here...  Marilyn Monroe, perhaps?

I especially like that she's wearing two different shoes - both sassy in their own right!

She is such a joy to have in our home!

And, we're back to the kissy face pose... she's definitely one of a kind!


Becky Rose said...

fun! you'll be so glad you wrote all these down. My friend does it on a pad of paper in the kitchen and then when a few pages is full, she types them up and puts them in a book for her kids when they get big!

Marc and Megan said...

I love all of those little stories! And, those photos... she seriously looks like 4 going on 24! Such a sweetie!