08 April 2011

So Happy Together!

A few weeks ago we braved the not-too-cold, but definitely not-warm, overcast day and went to a nearby park. The kids had a ton of fun and didn't seem to notice or mind the kinda chilly weather. They ran around, playing on the different slides and swinging on the swings, and running all around.

At one point Audrey was on the only-available little kid swing.

Luke wanted a turn.

But Audrey had really only begun and we didn't think it was fair to end her turn prematurely, lest the kiddos accuse us of playing favorites!

Always the diplomat, Adam saw a compromise that he thought would be effective and make both kids happy.

He stopped the swing just long enough to deposit Luke into the same swing, behind Audrey. I was skeptical that it would work, that both kids would be comfortable enough to enjoy the ride with the semi-cramped conditions...

But they LOVED it! Both of our kiddos are on the low end of the spectrum size-wise, and there was just enough room - this probably won't work next year, but for now they both fit and they both had so much fun swinging together, as one - literally.

They love swinging, but they also love watching their Dad run around and laughing and keeping that swing at full momentum, and optimum velocity! And I had fun capturing the joy that my wonderful husband experiences when he's playing with his kids... and I love seeing how his enthusiasm is so infectious for them!

There is nothing better than watching your kids enjoy each other! More often than not, Audrey and Luke just have fun, they are so happy together - I hope their love can survive all of the usual sibling rivalry junk of child and teenage years so that they will always be best friends.

And in the meantime I will just relish in the sound of them cracking each other up and having laughing fits.

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