15 December 2010

The Keyboard Boogie

We have a keyboard at our house. I use it to pluck out simple melodies (mostly isolated to right hand-only playing). I took piano lessons for a few years but was never really that great. And I haven't done much to keep it up. I am not the only person that uses the keyboard though.

The kids love it too.

Whenever we're in the living room for more than a few minutes, the keyboard inevitably becomes a focal point in their playtime. Both Audrey and Luke are tall enough to stand and play to their hearts' content. Audrey also learned (very quickly) how to change the keyboard's functions from basic piano to the sound effects function and the tune player functions.

Oftentimes she'll switch on one of the songs and then my two cuties will turn their piano duet into a dance recital - jumping in front of the keyboard, rhythmically.

(Look, Dad, no hands!)

Their enthusiasm and joy is so fun to watch. I'm glad they love music and playing together - they provide the soundtrack to our daily lives - both musical and non. We are so lucky to have these two amazing kids as part of our crew.

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