I am such a blogging loser. I'm in deep, dark denial that it's really been nearly three months since my last post. I can't believe that. And, just so you know: I still often have the audacity to get bugged when some of my favorite bloggers don't update their blogs frequently enough for my liking!
Now, admittedly, I have had a lot going on the last few months....
We had a big McKell family reunion the first weekend in August. Ezra and I made a very last minute road trip to Ukiah with most of my brothers to support my dad and his ordination as a Stake Patriarch. A busy weekend of attending a nephew and a neice's baptisms. A visit from my parents and Megan with her three little ones. Both Audrey and Lucas have started preschool. Ezra continues to grow at an astonishing rate. And I've used the time that I pump to good use by reading an embarrassing number of books. (Don't ask how many because I will not tell.)
And here's a few of the pictures we've managed to taking during all of that:
Audrey's first day of school... had to take a few pictures. The first couple of weeks were a bit of a transition but now she really enjoys it. She has friends that she looks forward to playing with and talks about a few in particular. I love it when I drop her off when her little classmates are excited to see her and she's excited to see them too. Lately she's even started to ask if she can go play at their houses, or if they can come play at ours... I guess I need to get to know the parents so we can get some play-dates going!
(I love watching Ezra... especially in peaceful slumber.)
(Where hair washing used to be an ordeal to endure, now it's an imagination event to enjoy - this night she was pretending to be a unicorn.)
(Ezra is getting so be such a big, cute boy! He's rolling over like a champ and tried to scoot anytime he's on his tummy. And, thanks to the Bumbo, he's doing a pretty good job lately with sitting up with just the slightest support from us... it's hard to believe he'll be 5 months old in just a few days!)
(Since Ezra's birth, we bought out the crib and every once in a while when Audrey feels like taking a nap, she'll request to sleep in the crib "like a nice baby"... so I let her because there's something so cute about it. She brings in all of her pillows from her big girl bed, and many of her stuffed animal friends, and her favorite blanket and curls up for a nap.)
(And Luke, he's doing well with school too. His is specifically for kids who are experiencing developmental delays - language in his case - and he seems to have adjusted well. He's such a cute, sweet kid, we really can't wait until he begins communicating more and more. It's not often that he stays still long enough for me to get a picture, but I thought these from a couple of months ago were so endearing of him. I love them.)

(In typical Audrey fashion, she is a complicated mix of young, dependent little girl and strong, capable big girl. This summer we got her a big girl bike and she was so excited to try it. She's getting pretty good at riding it. It's fun to watch. Also, in typical Audrey fashion is her sense of style - she's still a little princess-y girly girl most of the time. In fact, my favorite part of accompanying her while she rides her bike is when she pauses to refresh her lip gloss... she stops every couple of minutes and announces, "Lip Gloss Break!" and proceeds to put a fresh coat on. A girl always needs to do what she can to look her best, apparently.
I should probably be taking notes!)