31 March 2012

Jim McKell Art Studio

My dad, Jim McKell, is an artist.

In every sense of the word.

And the latest development for him is a brand new website featuring some of his pottery.  My brother-in-law, Marc Carson, designed the website and I just got my first look at it late last night.  It is fantastic!  I love the simplicity, the ease of use and accessibility.  The whole thing just screams the quiet simplicity of my father.  I loved browsing the site and thinking of lots of other people out there getting to know the art made by my beloved dad.  Other than the actual pieces, my favorite part of the site is the background information and the sections entitled "What Inspires Me" and "Statement" - if you know my dad then these sections will ring so true that it will bring a smile to your face.  And, if you don't know my dad, then these sections will give you a feel for the real Jim McKell.  It's honestly my new favorite website to visit!

You should go and take a gander yourself.  Here's the link:  www.jimmckell.com/about/

Congratulations on the launch of the new site, dad!  I am so proud to be your daughter!

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