12 November 2011

Despite our Differences...

Can I just say, for the record, that I really think I made a terrific choice in my husband?  The best decision I ever made.  Ever.

We are well-suited for each other.  We balance each other out - things that don't come naturally to me, do for him.  And vice versa.  He teaches me, and calms me, and just makes me a better person.  I feel blessed to have such an incredible guy as my partner in this life.  Plus, he's a great dad!  (Big bonus!  Especially when I'm pregnant!  He's always so amazing at helping out and being aware of when I look a little green, and maybe it'd be best if he changed the stinky diaper - and that's just ONE example of his awesomeness.)

(Me and Adam, February 2002.)

We are very alike in so many ways - all of the most important ways we agree and complement each other.

We have so much fun together.

(Adam and me being goofy in a dark and stormy Redwood forest, February 2002.)

But there are some things in which we do not agree.

The biggest and most surprising difference between us concerns music and the radio.

Music has always been very important to me.  Music is powerful and evocative and nothing matches it in it's ability to heal and inspire.  Adam likes music, but I would wager that it's no where near as important to him as it is to me.  This is evidenced by his tendency to choose the AM frequencies to listen to talk radio instead of listening to music on the FM!

A funny thing happened just a couple of hours ago, as we were out running a few errands.  I usually take control of the radio and play DJ while we drive (sometimes to Adam's chagrin).  It frequently happens that I will pause on a song and Adam will look over at me with eyebrows raised, a questioning look in his eye, accompanied by a crooked half-smile (meaning that he will indulge me).  Sometimes he'll make a comment along the lines of: music like this just makes me feel old, or is this really popular, people like this kind of music?

Anyway, tonight we went to a few stores, and at one point I changed the channel and this song came on:

I excitedly exclaimed:  STP!

Adam's reaction?  It was classic.  He goes:  STP?  Like the Motor Oil?

I laughed and hung my head in shame!  And then I said, How in the world did we end up together?!  Then I clarified that many people say STP in place of the band's full name - you know, Stone Temple Pilots?

Luckily, Adam redeemed himself at least a little bit by knowing who the Stone Temple Pilots were.

The next song that came on was one of my more current favorites:

Is there anything cooler than a mix of rock/folk/bluegrass?  I think not!

Another, different musical difference is Adam's love for Christmas music.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love Christmas music.  I just have one very strict rule:  No Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!  I just can't do it!  I want to enjoy one holiday at a time, and I also don't want to get sick of listening to Christmas music before the month of December even starts!

Adam does not concur.  He wants to start listening to Christmas music on November 1st.  And there is a local radio station that apparently shares this view and that's all they play.  Christmas music all day long.  Starting November 1st.  It's crazy.  So, lately, when usually he lets me take the reins of the radio dial, he will sneakily change the channel back to that particular station.  And, stubborn as I am, I do not let it stay there long, and exclaim, "Not until AFTER Thanksgiving!"  If he had his way, it would be this song, all day long:

Despite our musical differences, I love him and I am so appreciative of the kind of man he is.

(One of the contenders for our wedding announcement picture, April 2002.)

(Adam and I - June 2011.)

On another note:  In writing this post, and choosing the pictures:  I realized we have shockingly few recent pictures of the two of us together - that aren't from almost ten years ago!  The one above is the most recent one and that's 5 months old!  We have literally hundreds of pictures of the kids and very few of the two of us.  We need to turn the camera lens on us a little more frequently! 

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