I am going to tell you about my favorite.
It might shock people to know that I do have a favorite.
It's not very PC to admit having a favorite.
Some people think you should love them all equally. And if you don't love them all equally you at least have to pretend to love them all equally.
Well, I don't subscribe to that particular philosophy.
I am going to highlight my absolute favorite. There will be no question which one I love more by the end of this post.
So, if you don't think you can handle my having a favorite, please just navigate away from this blog and visit some other time when I am addressing easier, less controversial things.
Thank you.
(I think I am officially a little dorky for that disclaimer.)
(Just so you know.)
If you would like to see my favorite, you can use a link. And here it is.
What do you think?
Are you surprised? Were you expecting something else?
Yep, I have a Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine. And I love it. It is, in fact, my favorite thing in my kitchen. Adam surprised me with it in January when the kids and I returned from our California visit. I was speechless when I discovered it.
I had wanted one for years. It's the machine that my mom swears by. She used hers to bake warm, delicious, homemade bread. Bread that is soft and chewy, with a texture that is just magical. There are not many things in this world that are better than a slice of my mom's bread fresh out of the oven - with just a bit of butter...
(Excuse me while I wipe the drool off of my keyboard....)
As I was saying, my mom swears by her's and the delicious bread that she produces was enough to make me a believer. Not having my own Bosch was the one thing that stopped me from trying to bake my own warm, delicious, homemade bread - because when I tried to bake bread by hand it never quite turned out like my mom's. And that was always disappointing, especially after all the time it took to make it literally "by hand". So I baked everything else in the world you can think of but not bread. It was just too intimidating.
Not anymore.
And I give the credit where the credit is due: to My Bosch. It has changed our world. Now I make bread all of the time: from my mom's roll recipe - which is perfect for making cinnamon rolls or classic dinner rolls - to my sister's incredible 100% whole wheat bread, to Pioneer Woman's pizza dough, I am keeping My Bosch busy.
And we are busy enjoying all of the deliciousness.
(If I do say so myself.)
1 comment:
Hey Mandi,
I got a kitchen-machine from my parents this christmas and totally love it as well. It makes baking so much easier. I mostly bake the danish rye-bread but your post made my mouth water as well. Your mom does make the best bread in the world. I remember the fantastic scent in the house when she used to get up early to bake her bread or even better the cinnamon rolls! Can I get the recipe you use???
Love Kristine
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