Anyone who knows me knows that I love books. I love to read! And while I would prefer it if the book is well-written and engaging - I'm not really that picky about what I read. There is no one genre of books that I prefer over the rest, though I tend to be drawn to stories that are more realistic - every once in a while I can enjoy a book that has elements that are fantastical or fictitious. I used to be a very avid reader. Growing up, I remember anytime there was a break of any sort - summer, Christmas, Spring Break, a three day weekend, etc. - I would fill all of my free time reading. I still love to read, but it's sometimes hard to find the time... but when I do find the time, reading is still my number one choice for leisure activities.
My husband, Adam, can attest to that. He dreads it when I start a good book - because it feels like his wife has been kidnapped. Adam has had a hard time understanding my love of reading - like many people, the only time he chooses to read is for some sort of assignment. Reading for fun is an oxy moron.
Until now.
See, a few months ago we watched a movie together and Adam really enjoyed it. And since I had read the book that the movie was based on, I was able to fill in some of the pieces of the book that the movie had left out. This movie really made an impression on him - and the parts that I had told him about that were missing or hadn't been explained well enough intrigued him. He kept asking questions, wanting more details so I told him to read the book. That did not appeal to him. He just wanted me to tell him everything that happened in the book, so I suggested that we read the book together. So we did - every night after we put Audrey to bed, he would read a chapter of scripture and then I would read a chapter from the novel. I think we were both surprised at how much this quiet time spent reading together meant to us. We both started to look forward to it. And we had fortune on our side because that one book was just the first in a series of four novels. A few nights ago we finished the last book in the series. I've loved sharing my love of reading with him. And it's been fun to watch him enjoying the stories and looking forward to what's going to happen next.
It's made me excited for the day when Audrey is old enough to read actual novels. For now, we are deeply entrenched in Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein - which is great fun! Audrey loves books! She loves being read to - over and over and over and over and over again! She also loves just "reading" them herself.
I will often find her sitting with an open book on her lap, flipping the pages, looking at pictures - and with how many times she's heard the stories, I bet it's not hard for her to remember which part goes with which picture. She's a smart kid.
She's also a too-cute-for-her-own-good kid!
PS - anyone read anything good lately?
Hey Mandi,
How do you stay awake??? We tried reading to eachother as well but the one who was listening kept falling asleep.
I am really looking foreward till when I get retired and will have the time to read all of the books on my "to-read"-list!!!
Hey Kristine,
Staying awake is sometimes hard, there are some nights when we only read half of a chapter - but there are also nights when we read two chapters... so it works out. It's been a lot of fun reading together. I agree with you about wanting to read the books on your "to-read" list - I have one of those and it's long!
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